StyleCast IoT-Based Mobile Fashion Sharing & Discovery App

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Create an IoT-based mobile fashion sharing and discovery app for a bootstrapped startup company that allows users to "live broadcast" info about what they are currently wearing to earn StylePoints™ whenever someone likes, shares, or shops their look. In addition, StylePoints can be redeemed for gift cards or donated to charity.​​​​​​​
Startup Founder
Product Design (UX/UI)
Hybrid Mobile App Development
Figma,, Ionic, Firebase, Xcode   
For users to "StyleCast" their latest look, the first challenge I had to solve was making it quick and easy for users to add their clothing to a virtual closet. They need to provide images of their clothing, organize them by category, and submit details such as where the item was purchased, brand name, color, description, comments, etc. However, I did not want to require users to take pictures first of their items like all of the existing virtual closet apps did because it seemed like too much effort.
I tried out several of the most popular mobile wardrobe apps to understand how they handled adding clothes to a virtual closet.
1) Way too time-consuming to add clothes
2) Too hard to lay clothing out on contrasting backgrounds and take pictures
3) I couldn't remember which store I bought some of the items from and/or how much I paid for them
1) Wish I didn't have to take pictures of the clothing items to add them to their virtual closet
2) Probably wouldn't use these types of apps unless the closet process was greatly improved
To confirm my conclusions that the current process used by existing apps was too complicated and time-consuming, I conducted user surveys and one-on-one interviews with multiple test subjects that had tried some of the most popular virtual closet apps. They all validated my assumption, as they stopped using the apps after a few sessions because they took too much effort to add items.
To allow users to quickly and easily add their clothing to a virtual closet, I integrated a third-party affiliate API that aggregates and normalizes the data and images of hundreds of thousands of apparel items from hundreds of retailers, including Amazon, Target, Forever 21, etc.

This allowed me to provide users with two different ways to search for their clothing items:
1) Search for the item by category, store, brand, color, and keywords
2) Scan a QR code if the item came with a StyleCast tag

For users to earn points they could redeem for gift cards or donate to charity, I designed and developed gamification features, including badges and tier levels.

For users to redeem their earned points for gift cards, I integrated a third-party e-gift card API that allowed me to present a catalog of available gift cards that users could view in the app. I coded the gift card API integration in NodeJS using Google Cloud Functions.

Early Interactive Prototype (

How to manually add a new item to the virtual closet

How to add a new item to the virtual closet by scanning a StyleTag™

Search Capabilities

Filter Capabilities

How to redeem StylePoints™ for a gift card

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